2010 Final Countdown Task One

OK, here we go . . .

Are you ready?

I’m not gonna make any of these real hard on you.

After all, I have to do them, too, remember?

And why would I want to be so hard on myself?

Today’s task is:

Find your oldest UFO and do something about it

There are several options for dealing with this task. But first, you might want to take stock of WHY it’s your oldest UFO.

What’s keeping you from finishing it?

* You don’t want to finish it?

* You don’t like it any more?

* You’re missing pieces or parts?

* You’re stuck on a technique problem?

* You forgot you had it?

* You’d rather have bamboo shoots driven under your fingernails than have to spend another second on it?

Once you have a reason, you can decide what to do . . .

1) You could resolve to finish it, and make a plan for getting back to work on it (and I don’t necessarily mean in 2015)

2) You could decide you don’t want to finish it, and give it away, throw it away, or even burn it in a ceremonial Good Riddance ritual.

3) You could downsize it, or reorganize it into a different project that might not take as long or be as difficult. King-sized . . . What were you thinking!? Make a potholder instead!

4) You could locate the missing parts or pieces or replace them somehow so that you can continue work. However, if you’re anything like me, the missing parts or pieces will not reveal themselves, no matter how hard you search, until AFTER you’ve decided on something else and finished the quilt, so don’t waste too much time on this option. Get creative, and move on — do it in the name of art quilting.

5) If you’re stuck on a technique, you could find someone who can help you get past the sticking point by showing you what you need to know. Or . . . you could wing it. Don’t you ever think for one minute that that isn’t EXACTLY how some of today’s most popular techniques were born . . . Raw-edge applique? Rag quilts? Quilt-as-you-go? You know it . . . you could be the next inventor of a new technique that will set the quilting world on its ear! We’ll all be watching you talk to Alex and Ricky on TV . . .

So, go to it, then leave a comment on this post to let us know what happened. I, for one, would love to see pictures, so feel free to write up your own post and show us the nitty gritty details!

I’ll go first, if it makes you feel better . . . here’s mine:

This HAS to be from the early 90s . . . It’s all the applique pieces for a quilt. When I look at it, I get visions of my tiny daughters prancing around the living room using hairbrushes as microphones and singing all the words to a Vanilla Ice song perfectly. The horror!

My “Why”? . . .

Well, I did forget that I had it, it’s missing MAJOR parts and pieces, I don’t want to finish it, I don’t like it any more, and yes, I WOULD rather have bamboo shoots driven under my fingernails than have to spend another second on it. And technique problems? See those little foamy flowers in the box? Umm . . . yeah . . . I was gonna be all ambitious and “stuff” the applique. What an idiot! Those were the first to hit the trash can. I have no idea where the base for the applique is. I must have already gotten rid of it long ago.

Which option for dealing with it did I choose? Option 2 . . . Although I did NOT light a fire, as that seemed like too much trouble, I may or may not have caught myself mouthing “Ice, Ice, Baby” as I pitched parts of it into the trash can . . .

I AM keeping the pre-made bias vine. In spite of its color, I probably can use that in another project . . . or three. I’m afraid to measure just how much of it there really is.

And I have NO idea why these two items were in the box. A screwdriver and a nickel? I’m so totally weird . . .

But I’m heading into 2011 with one less UFO. How about you?

Published in: on December 29, 2010 at 9:30 am  Comments (14)  

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14 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Mine is currently in the middle of being hand quilted. It isn’t top priority because it’s for me and I have 3 baby quilts due first plus a charity quilt plus a challenge quilt that actually have due dates whereas this one doesn’t. It is still on the schedule, does that count?

  2. Ugh! All UFO’s are on hold for the time being. I am still sewing machine-less and probably will be until the middle of January. We have 2 weddings (1 out of state)the first 2 weeks in January and I need to make a weeklong trip to help my Mom in Texas. I know…I know…you did not ask for excuses. Hope I’ll be back in business soon – the wool backing for DH’s hunting quilt is sitting in Brady, Tx so I’ll pick that up when I drive through there towards the end of January. Does that count?

  3. I’ve written a post about my 3 oldest UFOs.

    2010 Final Countdown Task One

    They date from Sept 1989, Aug 2003 and April 2005.

  4. Great challenge Shelly! Sure wish I could participate. I’m in Montana for the holidays and have no UFO’s here (but plenty at home) 😉 Good for you deciding to deal with one less UFO.

  5. Okay, so I got down the queen size quilt top that I finished in 2008. I stopped working on it because I didn’t know how I was going to quilt it and I didn’t want to hand quilt it. So today, I have fixed the binding so it is all ready to be sewed on. I finished sewing the backing together and now I am in the process of basting it. I have decided to quilt it on my machine which won’t be easy since it is a queen size, but I have done it before so I know it can be done. I am thinking about stippling it, however, I did see where on somone’s blog they do loopy loos. I’ve never tried that. I did have this on the list of things I wanted to finish in 2011…..maybe I can have it done before the end of January!

  6. YES!!!! I pulled out my OLD UFO…. probably dated 2004 – dunno.

    It smells like stinky cigarettes – we used to smoke! At least that’s ONE good thing we accomplished last March!

    Anyhow, I’ve blogged about it, too!

    It’s one of those projects that I had put away in my office drawer and would look at it, when I opened the drawer and I would get that guilty feeling… looking at it, all alone and abandoned in my drawer… *s*

    Anyhow, thanks to you, it’s now on my desk and I will find the embroidery floss that I was using and “Get ‘er Done!” *VBG*

    Tks Shelly!

    Rosa Robichaud

  7. OK, I found a UFO to work on. I’ve also blogged about it here:


    It will be nice to get that one done. I think I’ll end up giving it away once I’m done.

  8. I consulted my spreadsheet that I created of all my UFOs and think I’ve found the oldest one (I have never thought to date them before, so I’m working off memory). It’s not really all that old, because I only got back into quilting and sewing about 8 years ago or so. For me, it’s sheer quantity of UFOs that is the problem right now. I’ll try to find it tomorrow, dig it out, photo it and blog it. I’ll stop back and give the link then. This is good.

  9. I know what it is. A large jewel box quilt make with 100 different fabrics and an applique border. Most of the blocks are done–it’s the border that is holding me back. I just got back in town but wanted to check out the challenge. I will try to blog about it tomorrow, but, either way, it is on my FINISH list. Why? I’m not very good at quitting and I want to see it complete.

  10. Mine is the string quilt I started in 1981, when Carmen was still in her crib. When she was pregnant last year, I ALMOST completely hand-quilted it. Then she learned that she was having a boy, and I have put it aside until she has a girl, and it will be for the baby. (If she doesn’t have any girls, I will give it to her.) So I have dealt with that one, right?

  11. Oh No… I think I may know what I need to look for and I could probably find it pretty quickly, but it hasn’t seen the light of day in 15 years. Then there’s this other UFO…

  12. HI Shelly….hope I’m not too late. I completed task one. I blogged it at http://peasinapod.typepad.com/peas-in-a-pod/2010/12/2010-final-countdown.html

    Thanks for this! It is really fun!

  13. Since I am at my house I only have what I am working on… all my other stuff is in the city….
    I get bored doing the same thing over and over so I am trying to make myself finish this one scrappy top… But i will do my best… I made 9 blocks before I went to bed last night, i have 9 more to go..

  14. I did it! I blogged about it too at:

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