2010 Final Countdown Task Three

OK, Rosa, your wait is over . . .

Are you all ready?

You’re all doing great so far.

Some of you are putting me to shame!

Here’s the final task in the 2010 Final Countdown.

And it is:

Deal with a bunch of scrap

I said “scrap”, not “crap”, OK?

You know when you finish a quilt, and you have leftovers, and you just toss them in a pile and tell yourself you’ll do something with them later?

Or you buy a random fat quarter or two and just don’t ever find a spot to put them away, and you’re not ready to use them just yet?

Or you “shop at home”, and pull out way too much fabric, but just never find the time to put it all back away?

Or you’ve made your friends promise to never throw away any of their scraps without giving you a chance at them first, so you have baggies with other people’s scraps laying around?

Or is this just me again?

I used a task similar to this last year, and you can click here to read about how that went for me: Putting Away Stray Fabric. Once again this year, this has turned out to be a bigger task than I imagined, which is why I’ve phrased it a bit differently this year. I’m not asking you to deal with ALL of it, just one pile of your choosing. Maybe one pile is all you have, in which case I’d like to hear from you, because I need lessons in how you manage.

Over the course of this year, even though I’ve made a couple of feeble attempts at managing it, mine is more out of control than ever! Here’s the new basket I talked about from last year’s efforts that I said I’d be using from then on:So what that I chose a smaller basket? Haha! What difference does it make when you just keep stacking fabric to the ceiling above the top of the basket? It’s about to topple over, if not for the wall holding it up. I might as well have gone ahead and used multiple larger baskets anyway! That plan backfired on me for sure . . .

Yes, I’m insane . . . why do you ask?

Well, this is the basket I decided to deal with today. And I didn’t worry about completely emptying it. I set a time limit and just worked as much as I could in that amount of time. So that’s all you have to do, too. I used an hour.

Here’s what my basket looked like after an hour:Better, but far from finished.

Here’s what I did with it:I try to employ Bonnie Hunter’s Scrap Users System, so I have bins for all my pre-cut shapes to go in. I now have all these pieces put away neatly, and I’m really going to try hard to devote some more time to the scraps every week so that I can get them under control and keep them that way. Yeah . . . and that’s what I said last year, too.

So, anyway . . . just pick a pile of stray fabric you have laying around, give yourself an hour, and see if you can make it go away. That’s all you have to do for today.

And that’s the final task. If you’ve done them all, congratulations! I hope it made you feel better like it did me. And don’t fret if you’re not quite finished today. I’ll give you a few more days to work on them if you need to, and leave your comments. I’ll draw for the prizes on January 5.

And now . . . I’m off to Pat’s New Year’s Eve Party. You really should join us . . .

Published in: on December 31, 2010 at 12:18 pm  Comments (11)  

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11 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hey, see the post I just did! I already started on this! haha! Okay, I’m working on Pat’s UFO challenge today, too. So, I will commit to an hour of scrap cutting, too, just for you. Another good boot in the patoot! I’ll be back later with an update.

  2. this is very good, but I love my scraps all messy… you’ve seen me work! I will be cutting i hope soon… I really want to get the yellow next round done today… But I am not seeing this happen… games to play, food to cook, lame kids shows to watch… before tick tock…
    I added onto Pat’s luau to try to get this thing done.. 😉 ( i doubt it…)

  3. I did this while neatening up today! My scraps are all sorted by color into their color Ziploc bags in my scrap tote!

  4. Ah HA! Thought you’d catch me slacking on your tasks, eh?!??!


    I managed to put in approx. 1 hours work. *grin*


    Thanks for helping me “Get ‘er Done”!

    Rosa Robichaud
    Saint John, New Brunswick

    P.S. I just LOVE your New Year’s challenges!!!! *grin*

  5. Got it done. http://knitnoid.wordpress.com/2010/12/31/2010-countdown-tasks-complete/

    There wasn’t much since I’ve done my best to keep them cut up since I emptied my scrap basket in May.

  6. Looks like I might be the last one done with this task. And I want to know, how you know, that I need to spend LOTS of time cutting up scrap? LOL


    Have a Happy New Year everyone!

  7. Hi Shelly,

    I finished this task last night, but I didn’t have time to post it until now. Thanks for the boot! Needed it.

    Blogged here: http://peasinapod.typepad.com/peas-in-a-pod/2011/01/2010-final-countdown-task-three.html

    Like Karen, I’ve got a LOT more cutting to do!

    Thanks for doing this. It was a ton of fun!


  8. I spent an hour and a half cutting down my scraps. Wish I could say I’m done, but I hardly made a dent. I cut them into 5, 4, 2 1/2, 2 and 1 1/2 inch squares. Wow, I really need to work more at this. Just think a couple of months ago I had this under control.

  9. To accomplish this task, I have begun to sort my scraps into bins by color. I spent about an hour doing this yesterday, and I barely scratched the surface! I don’t plan to cut them, though, because sometimes I need large scraps. I admire the scrap user system, though.

  10. BTW, I thought I’d mention here that, yesterday morning, I continued on with my scrap sorting till I was finished and pleased with myself.

    Then, I sat back and realized that I had several orphan blocks and several other 1/2 pieced blocks. Soooo, thanks to you – said sarcastically with laughter in my thoughts – I’ve started up yet ANOTHER quilt…. *grin*

    I’ve got about 1/2 of the blocks finished.

    But this will NOT be a UFO, as I’m heading downstairs to finish the top and hubby will be quilting it this week… I hope. *s*

    Tks for your incredibly informative and FUNNY blogs – I just LOVE your animal blogs!!!

    Have a great year!!!!


  11. Got’er done! I even reorganized my sewing space a bit. Feels great!
    I blogged about it too: http://fortheloveofneedleandthread.blogspot.com/2011/01/on-roll-here.html

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