2011 Procrastination Challenge

I’ve decided to go ahead and continue with my Procrastination Challenges for this year.

However, I am once again changing the rules, as I do every so often.

Just because I get bored with my previous set of rules.

And since I’m the boss of me, I can change them to suit myself!

Here’s the way I did it originally: Procrastination Challenges 2009.

Here’s how I handled it last year: Procrastination Challenges 2010.

And because I’m still a procrastinator, I’m making a new game of it and continuing on this year.

So . . .

In an effort to assist myself in reaching my goal of 100 finished projects this year, here’s the way I’m handling the Procrastination Challenge this year.

The rules are still simple and few, just the way I like them. But it’s still enough of a game that I might be able to stick with it.

I made a list of 10 UFOs of mine that are the closest to finished. Heck, some of them only need quilting and binding. Some of them are pretty small. Some of YOU probably don’t even HAVE 10 UFOs. I’m shameful, I know. But anyway . . .

Here are my rules:

1 ) Randomly draw a project from the list. The list is numbered, so I’ll probably just use the Random Number Generator so I can’t cheat when choosing a project.

2 ) Finish the project as quickly as possible. I’m giving myself two weeks per project. No money involved this time; just the satisfaction of getting some things finished.

I’ll post an update on the 15th and the 30th of each month. I should have a finished project every time I update, right? If I don’t get the project finished, it just remains on the list until it IS finished. It’s number will eventually have to come up again.

When I’ve done all 10 of the things on the list, I’ll make another list and keep going.

Unless I’ve decided to change the rules again by then. We’ll see how it goes.

You can join me if you like. Do you have a list of 10 things you’ve been procrastinating on?

Published in: on January 15, 2011 at 8:34 pm  Comments (3)  

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. That sounds like a pretty good system, especially given that the projects won’t go away until they are really gone, but you aren’t threatening yourself in the meantime. I bet it goes well.

  2. Sounds good to me! Guild Show and Tell is a major natural reinforcer for me. Maybe you can use Show and Tell as your reward…you get to go show it off when it’s done. I know some people take unquilted tops to Show and Tell, but I won’t allow myself to do that, because then I don’t have a motivation to finish those last couple of steps. 🙂

  3. Ha ha! 10 UFO’s? I won’t even tell you how many times more than that I have!

    Sounds like a good system…can I combine yours and Judy’s UFO challenge into one? I can only fit in one per month as many of mine aren’t even CLOSE to done! But I would love to play also….and NEED the further reinforcement and incentive to get my UFO’s finished. I would LIKE to be UFOless. Is that possible in this universe…or solar system…or whatever?

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