2011 Final Countdown Task Three

The third and final task of the 2011 Final Countdown.

Are you ready?

Since we’ve been cleaning up and weeding out and finishing up over the last couple days, I’d like to keep moving forward with that sort of theme, and today’s task will help with that.

Today we are to:

Fall in love again. With an old UFO, that is . . .

I want you to look over your UFOs.

C’mon, everyone has at least one . . .

Look them over good, and pick your favorite. Pick THE one that you really still love and really do still want to finish. Get it out, get it organized, find all the missing pieces and parts, resolve to get any pieces and parts that are still missing so that you can proceed, and commit to finishing it this coming year.

All you have to do is find it, get it ready, tell us what it is, and commit to working on it. Now, if it’s a labor of love that might take more than a year (mine might), then that’s OK. But just promise to at least devote some serious time to it. After all, if you love it and really do want to finish it, you’re not getting any younger, and time will get away from you, and wouldn’t you rather have it finished so you can enjoy it?

Personally, I love handwork. I love portable handwork even better. And I’ve had a Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt in the works for years (I won’t say exactly how many years. I’ve embarrassed myself enough on here the last few days.)

2012 is the year . . . I’m getting it out, and it’s going to be my take-along handwork project for this year. Here are some of the blocks I have done so far. (I think I’m about 1/3 of the way finished with the blocks.) I’m using the English Paper Piecing method on these, and it’s one of the funnest portable projects I can think of.

I’m getting out my take-along sewing bag, cleaning it out, and filling it up with the pieces of this project. I also have to find all the other pieces of this project that are strung all over the house. At this moment, I doubt I can even prove that I’m 1/3 finished! So there’s my task for today, and after I get my project all organized, I’ll tell you more about it later.

So . . . what UFO do you want to fall in love with all over again? Get it out, take some pictures, comment here and tell us all what it is, and make the commitment to give it the attention it deserves in 2012. I may just come back and ask you before next year’s countdown how you did on this one!

Now go fall in love!

Published in: on December 31, 2011 at 8:05 am  Comments (13)  

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13 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Well, I know which one it is: Jewel Box Quilt. (Deep breath!) I COMMIT! Before the end of the day, probably after Husband goes to work tonight, I will get it out. Scary! Why am I letting this one intimidate me so? Who knows? But, now is the time.

  2. Your tasks the last few days have kept me focused on ending the year on a great note!! I actually organized my fabric (somewhat) and have pulled out a quilt top that needs to be basted and quilted. As I am already thinking about this year’s retreat, and what I will be working on, I figured it would be best to finish the quilt from July 🙂 Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!!!

  3. That’s what my list is comprised of: UFOs…lots and lots of UFOs. How does this happen? I haven’t even been quilting very long! My most neglected UFO is my Granny Squares Quilt so I’ll commit to that one. I never did fall out of love with it, it just seemed to get put on the back burner. I thought about picking a day each month, writing it on my calendar and working on it, but I know how things work around here. We never know what the day will entail and I just have to work on things when I get the chance.

  4. I know exactly what I want to do, but there is no time to find it now. It is 4 pm in Sweden and my guests are coming in a couple of hours and there is still a lot to prepare.

    I wrote about it long before it became an UFO on my old HomePage here: http://ullabritt.se/stickat/index.htm scroll to the 5th of October 2008 and you will find a picture of my blue vest. I have done nothing about it since then, now it is time to finnish.

  5. I got that rooster quilt just begging to be finished up, just needs batting and backing and quilting, don’t know why I am putting it off. I did get my dresser drawers of fabric cleaned out this week, thanks to you, the fabric in there is nice and folded now instead of just packed in there, I can’t believe I had put fabric in there like that. Any ways, much easier to find what I need now. I love the hand work you are doing, makes me envious.

  6. And I commit to the blue and cream satrs that I started unpicking yesterday. Hopefully I can finish the unpicking this weekend.

    I tackled a pile of papers on my desk next to the computer and it was amazing what I found!! Some papers may have been transferred to a smaller pile, but that will be tackled next week.

  7. Oh this I can for sure do!!!! Off to play with my UFOs and come up with something I really want to finish!

  8. Alright I have it. I’m committed to finishing my Halloween BOM. I started it in January ( http://www.quiltingunderthemidnightsun.blogspot.com/2011/01/hocuspocusville-block-1-potting-shed.html ) and then stalled out when I ran out of the embroidery thread. I have the thread, I have all the fabrics for the blocks and I have the backing fabric.

    It will be finished in time for me to enjoy this Halloween!

  9. Well, this is easy. My Double Wedding Ring quilt. I just a have two more rows of rings to quilt, and then bind the quilt. This is the quilt that I bought the fabric for in Sept 1989.

  10. Put me down as having COMPLETELY completed Step 1 or Day 1… whichever you prefer.

    Sewing Studio is MUCH tidier… thanks to you, my friend!


    I plan on doing Day 2 and 3 tonight… but since I found out that I have 5 days…. it may take a bit longer! LOL

    Rosa Robichaud

  11. My go-to-project is actually two unfinished bed quilts that need to be hand-quilted. They are both going to be finished this year. With any luck, they’ll both be finished by summer!

  12. OK–I have reported on my progress. Three tasks done. One happy me! Thank you!

    Three Days To A Better Me

  13. just updating…task three done!
    Thank you for a great start to the year. I had been in kinda of a slump before this. Now I’m excited to get back to the sewing machine again! 🙂

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