Good Friends, Great Memories

And complete and total exhaustion when I finally got home.

But SO worth it. I’m just not sure how it’s possible to have that much fun in such a short time! Really . . . We sewed, and laughed, and shopped, and sewed, and ate, and talked, and sewed, and slept very little, and the time flew by with an audible whooshing sound, I swear!

Toni and Doris broke me in good right from the very start. They took me to an IKEA Thursday night. My first time ever in an IKEA. Wow! It was mind-bottling (as Will Farrell would say — name that movie!) . . . and exhausting. I didn’t even buy anything, but I got lots of ideas.

We went to the Mall of America after that, another place I had never been before. However, we were only there to eat dinner, so my daughter will be sorely disappointed that I wasn’t there to just shop till I dropped. Let’s not tell her . . . she’ll disown me.

Retreat began Friday morning at 9:00, and ended way too soon. There was show & tell, and discussions on too many topics to name, laughter on too many subjects to name, and lots of eating and shopping. And sewing! I got quite a bit done. It’s nice to have everything laid out and just be able to sew uninterrupted for hours at a time.

Having only a certain number of projects with me, it really curbed my flitting nature, too, so I was more devoted to one particular project at a time. I know, hard to believe, but I did it! Here’s one of the projects I took along . . . my Crayon Challenge:

It’s also absolute fun for me to get to see what everyone else is working on. I come away so inspired. I’ll probably start 8 new projects this week just because of retreat! Heaven help me . . . In fact, I got to see, live and in person, one of the quilts I’ve been thinking about making . . . Amanda Jean’s “Running in Circles” quilt . . . LOVE it!

I already confessed what I bought in my last stash report, and in the post before that, you can find links to all the blogs of the girls I hung out with over the weekend. We managed to get a group picture, thanks to Doris:

That’s Toni (on the left) and me, sitting in front, and in back, from left to right: Doris, Michelle, Rene, Terri, Amanda, Mary, Cindy, and Stephanie.

And naturally, I collected quotes all weekend! So now you can share in some of the laughter that we had . . . it’ll be almost like being there!

“I’m never short on opinions.”

“My cholesterol has never been so good.”

“That’s what I love about retreat. The further into it we get, the more jokes we make . . . and the longer my lists get.”

“There’s a lot more discussing that needs to take place, and not a lot of time left.”

“I am not a mathlete.”

“I’m not drunk enough to make this up.”

“She’s tryin’ to be inspirational, but it’s not workin’.”

“I don’t know how this is gonna come across, but I’m gonna say it ’cause I’m feelin’ gutsy.”

“We’re drinking and sewing, so beat THAT!”

“It was my New Year’s resolution to be a better mother, but I’m gettin’ worried that I’m gonna light one of my kids on fire by December.”

“I derailed for a little bit, but that’s not uncommon.”

“Do we need to call 9-1-1?”  . . . “No, we need more wine.”

“I slipped you a mickey? I don’t even know what a mickey is!”

“I might swear a little bit when I get home.”

“I apologize for myself tomorrow in advance.”

“I am done with you, Farmer’s Wife.”

“I’m not doing anything that’ll make me breathe hard.”

Published in: on July 12, 2011 at 4:18 pm  Comments (13)  

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13 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I love your recap, Shelly! I have to print that list of quotes cuz I forgot many of them already. Must have been those 2 tablespoons of wine I had from the one bottle we shared among 10 of us. It was such a great weekend, wasn’t it! I feel so lucky to be included in this amazing group. I feel lucky to be inspired by you and to call you my friend!

  2. I’m going to be running in circles too…..oh I mean making Running In Circles too Shelly! Glad you made it home safe and hope to see you soon!

  3. Oh, my…the smile is back on my face and I am laughing out loud!! What a great weekend 🙂 I feel so fortunate to have been included in this year’s retreat. Thank you so much for the happies and a wonderful weekend.

  4. Oh to be a fly on the wall! Sounds as if you crammed a lot of good stuff into your weekend! I’m making Amanda Jean’s quilt too! Need to use up some of my 30’s stash. Then I’ll probably make another. Love it!

  5. Can I steal the list of quotes to post? I am laughing hilariously all by myself remembering them all being said!!!

  6. Shelly, what a great recap! Love reading all those quotes…really took me back! You weren’t kidding when you said the weekend just flew by…how can it be over already?! It was great seeing the quilt you worked on last year all completed, as well as the many quilt projects you have in the works now. Is it next year yet? 😉

  7. So glad you all had such a great time! Love your quotes, can I “borrow” a few when I need a special quote”

  8. Shelly, those quotes cracked me up. I just laughed out loud. I’m having second thoughts about Farmer’s Wife. Maybe I’m NOT done quite yet…

    It was amazing to feel so comfortable with nine women I had not met in real life. It felt like I was spending the weekend with women I had known for a long time. That Scott City connection kinda freaked me out, though!

    I can’t wait until next year. Assuming I’m re-invited of course. 🙂

  9. i am glad you collected the quotes, too. man, we had fun, didn’t we? oh, boy. my abs just finally recovered from all the laughter. you would have thought that we split more than just that one bottle of wine between all of us the way we were acting. i can’t wait to do it again next year!!!!

    you said in your post that you were able to curb your flitting nature while you were on the retreat. so you cut back to only sewing four quilts at a time? sheesh, woman, what DO you do at home?!?!?!

  10. How fun! It sounds like a total blast! And as always, I love your quotes. Did you all really only share one bottle of wine? or was that actually a keg? (Do they come in kegs? No, wait, that’s beer…casks? Heck, I don’t know! LOL)

    BTW, I love your crayon challenge. You have combined those colors really well and it gives the quilt luminosity (how’s that for a big word!)

    Enjoy hearing the stories!

  11. Sounds like a fabulous time…a very special life event!

  12. Sounds like fun. And I always love seeing pictures of the group.

  13. Great recap! I love all your quotes. I found myself wishing I was writing them down, but I knew you’d be. In terms of setting a child on fire, I kept laughing all week at the comment she said following that…”I could just see my husband coming home and saying ‘Honey, when did so-and-so’s hair turn black?'” It made me laugh out loud. You were very well behaved in your purchasing, my dear. Not like someone else I know. Ahem. Maybe next year I won’t be so ga-ga over everything and can show more self restraint!

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