Final Countdown – Task One

Are you ready? Here’s your first Final Countdown Task. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this post, and join in!)

Today’s task is . . . 

To put the binding on a quilt. 

If you have a quilt that is so close to being finished that all you need to do is put the binding on, this is your day! If you have a quilt that already has the binding attached, and you’re just not done whipping it down yet, now’s your chance to get it done. If you have a quilt that close to finished, and you just can’t find your binding (this happens to my friend, Rose Marie, all the time), then this is the time to go on the hunt for it, and if you can’t find it, decide what you’re going to do instead, and get it made and attached. Whatever point you’re at with your quilted quilt that doesn’t have any binding, this is the day to do whatever it takes to get it done so that you can call it completed. You’ll have one less UFO going into 2010 . . . 

If you’re an overachiever and don’t have any quilts that still need the binding, then you can still comment and tell us that, just to rub it in . . . then you can be eligible for prizes, too, just to be fair. If you’re working away but your Hopper is holding out on you and you just don’t have a quilt finished enough to be ready for binding, you can still comment here, too, and make us all feel sorry for you, and then you’ll be eligible for prizes, too. We certainly don’t want to exclude anyone.

Here’s the one I’ll be working on.

I made this little wallhanging as part of a guild challenge about 3 years ago, from a pattern I bought when I was on vacation in South Dakota in 2006 (don’t ask, cuz I don’t remember who designed it, and I passed the pattern on since then). It laid unquilted in a pile until I got my longarm last spring, and I decided to use it as a practice piece for longarm quilting. So it’s been quilted since June, and laying across the back of my office chair with no binding ever since. Today is its day! I’ll post again when I’ve finished my Task One.

What quilt will you be binding? Go to it, then leave your comment. Links back to posts with pictures would be fantastic, cuz I’m sure we’ll all want to see what we each get done! But I’ll accept whatever method you wish to use to report in, as long as you leave your comment here.

Published in: on December 27, 2009 at 8:00 am  Comments (28)  

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28 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I love your little quilt with the acorns. I have a God Child who’s last name is Oakes. When she was born we began quote to her “From a tiny acorn grows a mighty oak.

    I need that pattern. Can any of your readers identify it. Please, Please, Please

    She’s in college right now and has a lot of pressure right now. She would enjoy this.

  2. I’m going to bind my map quilt. The binding is all ready, I know right where it is, I’m going to do it! Thanks for the push.

  3. I’m also working on some year-ending ufos. Come on over to blog to check them out. Sew, sew, sew!!!!

  4. I don’t have one ready for binding right now. I am going to get one back from the quilter in February and I am over halfway through piecing another one. Can’t wait to see what everyone else accomplishes.

  5. Yay!, I’ve a quilt who needs to be binding, please be gentle in the quilting tasks, lol

  6. I have two quilts to sew binding on. Then I’m just going to sew it down by machine.

    But, I have one quilt that needs the rest of the binding hand-sewn on.

    I’m going to get them all done today!!!!

  7. I tend to bind my quilts when then get quilted, so I don’t have one that just needs binding. On the other hand, I have discovered if I don’t make my binding when I finish the top, I run the risk of using the fabric in something else. So, I will report that today after finishing my Raising Cane top, I made the binding. It’s now folded neatly (and wrapped in painters tape) and tucked into the folded quilt top for me to quilt “someday”.

  8. Well this is the kick in the pants I need. My coffee quilt (the Moda Bistro one) only needs it’s binding done. I’ve been putting it off b/c I didn’t know what colour to go with to work with all the colours in the piece. However, it has now come to me that I didn’t use all the strips in the jelly roll…I can use them to make a multi-fabric binding around the quilt.

  9. Does yesterday count? I actually found some quiet time last night and finished the binding on a wall hanging I had been working on for awhile. My quilt guild meets the first Wednesday of the month and I have several things I want to get done before that but have been swamped by holiday festivities. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to hunker down now and really make some quilting progress.

  10. I don’t have a quilt ready for binding but I am working on handstiching some quilt blocks I am making.

  11. I have no quilt ready to bind, or even lacking binding. I rather enjoy that final step to finishing a quilt and rarely put it off. But, in the spirit of the assignment, I decided to tackle a different neglected task: ironing and mending. Holiday sewing season had made it easy to ignore, until now. Two and a half hours later my family has clothes again and I have a lovely clear space where a pile used to be. Oh, goodie, I can reward myself for good behavior by….oh, I know, working on a quilt!

  12. I have a small quilt that needs binding, I will post a comment with link to my blog for photo when I finish.

  13. I don’t have a quilt that close but I do have one more little present to finish.We have my sisters and brother here for our family Christmas on New Years weekend and we always do a little gift for the ladies and I have 1 more pincushion to finish.

  14. I decided on a binding for the little swap quilt under construction. Can’t cut it yet cuz haven’t decided whether to actually bind or face it. But either way I’m set and one decision is out of the way.

  15. Okay Shelly, I am putting the finishing touches on a quilt I am making for my daughter. I did blog about the binding on my blog today.

  16. I also didn’t have a quilt to the point of being ready for binding. Instead, I matched up quilt tops with precut bindings to be sure they all stay together. I have learned to be sure to cut the binding right away so I don’t use it for other things. I did spend some time today tidying up the sewing room and then pulled out some fabric for a new quilt I am starting for my guest-room bed.

  17. UPDATE: yesterday (Sunday) I said I had to quilt to bind, but then today (Monday) I worked on task #2 and found a baby quilt that I started….well, let’s just say “A while ago.” Today while supporting husband watching football I tied and bound it. Yea! His team won and I won another finished project. I feel very successful.

  18. OK. I got the three bindings finished that I set out to do ! WOO HOO! It took me two days, but I did it. Now I need to put away that extra fabric.

  19. Finally machine stitched the binding on a Snowman wall size quilt I made years ago. It’s ready to hand stitch when I sit down for the evening. I hope this counts, it feels great to be done this far anyway.

  20. Got mine done – finished the binding on my snowballs quilt this morning! Woot!

  21. I finished my last customer quilt the week before Christmas. This past week-end I started/finished two lap size quilt tops. And a small table topper. They all need to be quilted. Noon are ready to bind!

  22. OK, this is my third try and I still can’t spell. LOL! None are ready to bind!

  23. Okay, I’m working on an Eye Spy quilt and have about 8 inches left to do.

    Give me a bit of time and I’ll be able to post a “Pick Me With a Fork – I’m Done” message! LOL

    In the meantime, I’ll add your ’09 challenge, on my blog. *grin*

    Here’s a picture of the Eye Spy quilt, at the end of this blog:


    Rosa Robichaud
    Saint John, New Brunswick

  24. Shelly mentioned me in this posting so I just had to comment. I don’t have one single quilt ready for a binding. Whether I could find the binding for one if it were done is another question altogether. What I really need to do for now and for all of 2010 is to quilt. Binding could then become a small step for all quilt humanity. I have a serious head cold and can’t face doing anything right now. That is my excuse. This too shall pass but it will probably be 2010 by the time it does.
    Rose Marie

  25. Okay… yesterday evening, I FINALLY finished Task One!!! Finished binding my quilt and even took the time to add a label, even!


    Onto Task Two!

    Rosa Robichaud

  26. OK with that one!

  27. I finally finished the binding on my Christmas tree quilt and gave it a wash…. will trim the threads and take a pic for my blog tomorrow!


  28. I finished to bind a cute quilt basket, some days ago, I forgot to tell you sorry! :S, now I’m done with the tasks and waiting more from you!

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